NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers

Welcome to NARPO London Branch

About Us

The Branch for 16,500 ex-Met officers wherever they live.  We include MPS police widow/ers/partners, and pensioners from other forces who at one stage in their career served alongside Met officers.

Branch - London - Image 1
Branch - London - Image 2

Further Key Information

We produce a quarterly magazine, London Police Pensioner, available only to London Branch members, which keeps alive the fun, pride and comradeship of our previous police service.

This is your ‘go to’ read for ex-Mets lunch groups round the country, links to other police organisations, news, offers and articles relevant to police pensioners, and sadly the details of ex-Mets who have booked-off for the final time.

Subscriptions are taken direct from your Met police pension every month but pensioners from other forces will need to arrange a yearly payment each January.

Contact Us

Run by a Committee of volunteers led by Chairman, Martin Wale, enquiries should be directed as shown below.

0203 151 1212 for membership queries, or for all other matters

Registered address:  NARPO London, PO Box 433, CARLISLE, CA1 9HS

Met Police pension provider:  Equiniti, PO Box 1307, Crawley, RH10 0PA - 0300 123 0828
