NARPO – The voice of retired police officers
NARPO – The voice of retired police officers

Welcome to NARPO Altrincham & District

About Altrincham & District Branch

Altrincham & District Branch is one of 9 branches within GMP. Altrincham Branch was originally formed as a Divisional branch in Cheshire Constabulary. Stockport was originally a Borough force before firstly amalgamating with Cheshire Constabulary and subsequently with GMP. The two branches amalgamated in the early 1970’s.


Altrincham Further Information

The Branch currently has 579 members. We hold three meetings a year, two at Altrincham (AGM in March & post conference meeting in September) and one at Stockport (in December). The meetings are held during the daytime and are followed by a meal at the venue.

Members are updated by newsletter and e-mail circulations. Such circulations include pension news (police & state), obituaries, employment opportunities, member benefits, etc.

Forthcoming events include:

Sunday 8th December 2019 Branch Xmas lunch at Alma Lodge, Buxton Road, Stockport. 12.30pm for 1pm meal

Wednesday 18th March 2020 Branch AGM at Bowdon Hotel, Langham Road, Bowdon, Altrincham commencing at 11.30am

Monday 30th March 2020 Altrincham Re-union at Timperley Conservative Club, Heyes Lane, Timperley commencing at 7.30pm.

Pictured is branch secretary

Contact Us

Chairman: Peter Williamson –

Vice-chairman: Trevor Heywood –

Secretary/Treasurer: Jim Forster –

We also have a closed Facebook page at Altrincham and district N.A.R.P.O.